

Localization as a Profession

In this course we will focus mainly on the client side of localization management. We will use case studies, readings, presentations, and written assignments to discuss the more open-ended aspects of localization management. Topics will include vendor selection and management, localization maturity assessment, evangelizing best practices and international user experience to internal teams and external clients, quality management, localization career paths, and comparisons of vendor-side versus client-side processes. This class is not technical in nature and instead looks at the key business issues in our industry. Students are expected to participate actively and to challenge convention in group projects, discussions with the instructor, and well-reasoned, adequately-cited written assignments.
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TRLM 8693

All Sections in Spring 2018 - MIIS

Spring 2018 - MIIS

TRLM8693A-S18 Lecture (McLoughlin)