

Teaching Italian

Teaching Italian: Methods, Approaches, Practice (for DML candidates)

The course deals with issues relating to the planning of Italian language teaching in all its components, from the curriculum, to the syllabus, and the lesson. The frame within which the theme is introduced is provided by the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Comparisons will also be made with the ACTFL Standards for Foreign Language Learning. In particular, we address aspects of programming in which the teacher of Italian language is directly involved, such as the description of the syllabus and scheduling of educational activities. The purpose of the course is to provide the tools to properly plan an Italian language curriculum for foreigners. During the course the steps required to program a language course: the needs, analysis, the choice of the textbook, assessing and evaluation, will be explained and analyzed in light of recent research in the teaching of the Italian language. During the course students will be involved in practical activities about the different stages of planning and in action-research practices including observations and teaching activities.

Required Texts: Dolci, R. Celentin, P., La formazione di base del docente di italiano per stranieri, Roma, Bonacci, 2003
Spinelli, B., Parizzi, F., Profilo della Lingua Italiana, Firenze: La
Nuova Italia, 2009,
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ITAL 6693

All Sections in Summer 2011, LS 3 Week Session II

Summer 2011, LS 3 Week Session II

ITAL6693A-L11 Lecture (Unknown)