

Adv Grammar & Composition

Ecrire: de la grammaire au texte / Advanced Grammar and Composition

This course enables students to construct progressively a repertoire of textual forms (narrative, descriptive, expressive, argumentative, informative, and creative) in order to communicate fliexibly and fluently in writing. Concurrently, students will review fundamental grammatical structures and principals through numerous and varied exercises. This class includes a daily plenary session (1 hr) and is complemented by a weekly, voluntary writing workshop in small groups.

Texts Delatour et al, Grammaire du français , Hachette, 1991, 2001; Boularès et Frérot, Grammaire Progressive du français, Niveau avancé/, CLE International , 2004; Girardet et Frérot, /Panorama de la langue française, Méthode de français 3 CLE International, 2001.
Course Reference Number (CRN):
Subject Code:
Course Number:
Section Identifier:


FREN 3411

All Sections in Summer 2005, LS 7 Week Session

Summer 2005, LS 7 Week Session

FREN3411A-L05 Lecture (Unknown)
FREN3411B-L05 Lecture (Unknown)