Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

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While undertaking an approved professional practicum in their field, students will be responsible for completion of an applied project demonstrating your application of degree program learning goals and the project's connection to your professional community of practice. Practicum is a learning opportunity that enables you to demonstrate, integrate, apply, deepen, and reflect on the core competencies of your degree(s). This course is the culmination of your degree and provides you with the opportunity to apply knowledge and skills developed in public policy and administration. Students will propose, design, and implement an applied project for a host organization, client, or research community that covers program-specific thematic and technical competencies. (e.g. learning goals for MPA, IPD and ITED) and apply higher-level reasoning, critical thinking and intercultural competence/JEDI knowledge to analyze findings and develop recommendations. Students in the course will present their project to a professional audience and to the MIIS community. The course involves collaboration with peers, faculty, and industry professionals and critical reflection on interpersonal development, the practicum experience, and the student's professional goals. Students will complete one of the following projects: (1) An applied project benefiting the intern's host organization; (2) a consultancy project for a partner organization; or (3) independent qualitative and/or quantitative research project.
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ITDG 8697

All Sections in Spring 2025 - MIIS

Spring 2025 - MIIS

ITDG8697A-S25 Practicum (Meyer, Baimyrzaeva, Liang)