Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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Roman Law
Please register via CLAS 0332A

Roman Law
The Romans' codification of civil law is often considered their greatest intellectual achievement and most original and influential contribution to the world. This course treats the four main divisions of Roman law (persons, property, obligations, and succession). Great emphasis is placed on the role of law in Roman society. How did the law influence the lives of Roman citizens living under it? How did ordinary Roman citizens shape the law? Students will come to understand the principles of Roman law through actual cases. Designed for students with some background in Roman history and/or literature. 2 hrs. lect./1 disc.
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HIST 0332

All Sections in Spring 2024

Spring 2024

HIST0332A-S24 Lecture (Chaplin)
HIST0332Y-S24 Discussion (Chaplin)
HIST0332Z-S24 Discussion (Chaplin)