Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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3D Environment Design
Please register via INTD 0216A

3D Environment Design
From the grounds of an ancient ruin to the inside of a biological cell to the stage of a theatrical production to the corridors of the international space station, in this course we will use digital 3d modeling, texturing, and lighting tools to visualize locations into beautifully rendered, three dimensional, interactive virtual environments. We will ask critical questions about how every design choice affects the audience’s understanding of the space. No prior experience is necessary for this hands-on introductory course. (Not open to seniors or students who have taken INTD/FMMC 0215) 3 hrs. lect/lab.
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Section Identifier:


FMMC 0216

All Sections in Spring 2019

Spring 2019

FMMC0216A-S19 Lecture (Houghton)