Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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Neural Coding

Neural Coding: Visualizing How the Brain Computes
How does the brain go from an electrical signal to recognizing friends? In this course we will learn to use MATLAB to explore visually how the brain uses electrical signals to compute information. By using MATLAB as the frame for the class, students will gain skills in using a fundamental tool in neuroscience. In addition, through the use of introductory lectures, readings, in class programming activities, and discussion, students will deepen their understanding of how sensory information is encoded and then decoded. No experience using MATLAB necessary. (PSYC 0301, NSCI 0100, or NSCI 0251; open to junior and senior neuroscience majors; others by waiver).
Course Reference Number (CRN):
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NSCI 0410

All Sections in Fall 2018

Fall 2018

NSCI0410A-F18 Seminar (Crocker)