Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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Communities in Fren Culture

Imagining Community in France and Beyond
In this course we will examine how notions of community have been imagined within French culture, drawing on a variety of sources including essays, short novels and film. Particular attention will be given to works in which difference (ethnic, regional, national, generational, class) plays an important role in initiating and sustaining innovative forms of partnership. The course provides an array of opportunities to hone oral expression, critical thinking and writing in French. Writers and directors studied may include Chamoiseau, Dai Sijie, Daudet, Duras, Gary, Glissant, Kassovitz, Malle, and Tournier. (FREN 0209,0210 or placement) 3 hrs. lect./disc.
Course Reference Number (CRN):
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FREN 0220

All Sections in Fall 2017

Fall 2017

FREN0220A-F17 Lecture (Nunley)
FREN0220B-F17 Lecture (Nunley)
FREN0220C-F17 Lecture (Nunley)
FREN0220D-F17 Lecture (Nunley)