Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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Seminar in Biblical Studies

Seminar in Biblical Studies: The Making of the Bibles ST
In this seminar we will examine the processes by which the Jewish and Christian Bibles were compiled. We will look at ancient texts such as The Wisdom of Jesus ben Sirach, the Letter of Aristeas, and selections from the rabbis and early church fathers. In addition to theological and historical considerations, we will take into account technical advances that allowed for the production of codices (books), which supplemented the use of scrolls. We will also consider issues related to writing and literacy. Recent secondary literature will supplement the reading of ancient texts. 3 hrs. Sem.
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RELI 0380

All Sections in Fall 2009

Fall 2009

RELI0380A-F09 Seminar (Yarbrough)