Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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Teaching Italian

Teaching Italian: Methods, Approaches, Practice (for DML candidates)

This course describes and discusses the main methods, approaches, and techniques that can be used to teach a second language (SL) today, including a strong practical component with practicum sessions on the Middlebury campus. The course will consist of three components. First, there is a lecture-seminar component, where various concepts in Italian SL teaching will be discussed, exemplified, and practiced. Textbook analysis, communicative practice, conceptual fluency, error analysis, the role of grammar, testing, and so on will be covered within this component. Second, there will be a practicum component, whereby each DML candidate will be hosted by a regular instructor to teach at two levels (a beginner level and an intermediate or advanced level). The performance will be evaluated and discussed both by the regular instructor and the course instructor together with the student-teacher. Finally, there will be three weekend seminars, during which the class and others in the program (including language students) will make presentations of methodology and practice in a public forum.

Course Materials: Recommended:

M. Danesi, Tecniche per la didattica delle lingue moderne. Roma: Armando, 1988.

M. Danesi, Il cervello in aula! Seconda edizione, Perugia: Guerra, 2007.

Plus: A selection of currently-used texts, ancillaries, readers, etc.

Open only to M.A. and DML students who have completed a preliminary summer of study on the Vermont Campus
Course Reference Number (CRN):
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ITAL 6693

All Sections in Summer 2009, LS 6 Week Session

Summer 2009, LS 6 Week Session

ITAL6693A-L09 Lecture (Danesi)