Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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Intro to the Space Environment
Please register via GEOL 1036A

Introduction to the Space Environment
Space - It’s all around us. What’s there? How do we know what’s there? How do we get there? What do we do there? We will explore these questions along with the fundamentals of space science and engineering, focusing on the near-earth space environment. Topics include: History of rocket science, basic physics (forces and Newton’s laws.), rocket and jet engines, orbits, satellite missions, the space environment/weather, space policy and commerce, and space in pop culture. We will have lectures interspersed with small group discussions. Labs will highlight the scientific process and associated skills such as data collection, validation, and analysis. Additionally, we will have guest presentations by space industry professionals.
Course Reference Number (CRN):
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PHYS 1036

All Sections in Winter 2022

Winter 2022

PHYS1036A-W22 Lecture (Perlongo)