Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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Intermediate Portuguese II

Students enrolling in this sequence will have completed successfully one or more years of study in Portuguese and will have a proficiency level of at least "intermediate-mid" according to the ACTFL proficiency guidelines. Students will continue to strengthen their knowledge of grammatical and syntactical structures and will continue to master the language while increasing vocabulary through extensive reading. Students completing this sequence will emerge with a proficiency level of "Advanced-low" or "Advanced-Mid". Depending on motivation, effort, and diligence, some students will progress to Advanced-High during this sequence.

Bibliography: Gramática Pedagógica. Mesquita, Roberto Melo and Martos, Cloder Rivas. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2005; Escreva bem agora! Manual de Estilística da Língua Portuguesa. Oliveira, Ronaldo Alves de. Editora Edicta, 2001; Super dicas para escrever bem diferentes tipos de texto. Edna M. Barian Perrotti. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2006; Boa Companhia. Vários autores. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2003; Dialogo Brasil: Eberlein, et. al . Sao Paulo: EPU, 2003
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PGSE 3302

All Sections in Summer 2009, Portuguese 7 week

Summer 2009, Portuguese 7 week

PGSE3302A-L09 Lecture (Ladeira, Goncalves, Monteiro)