Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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Lat Amer Politics &Text in 20C

Latin America: Politics & Text in 20th Century Literature

This course introduces students to longer works of Latin American literature. Students will read Cien años de soledad, by Colombian Nobel laureate Gabriel García Márquez, in its entirety, as well as other shorter novels and a number of short stories. Our readings will span the years leading to and including the literary movement often referred to as the Boom. In addition to García Márquez, authors of particular interest will include Antonio Skármeta (Chile), María Luisa Bombal (Chile), Rosario Ferré (Puerto Rico) and others. (1 unit)

Required texts: 1) Gabriel García Márquez, Cien años de soledad (Madrid: Espasa Calpe Colección Austral, 1982); 2) Antonio Skármeta, Ardiente paciencia (Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana 3rd ed., 1993); 3) material in course pack form to be purchased at Middlebury.
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SPAN 3458

All Sections in Summer 2008, LS 7 Week Session

Summer 2008, LS 7 Week Session

SPAN3458A-L08 Lecture (Invernizzi)