Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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Future of U.S. Democracy

The Future of U.S. Democracy
Pessimism abounds among analysts of 21st Century U.S. politics. What is the nature of the nation’s problems? Are they rooted mostly in social divides – of identity, ideology, geography, and inequality? Are they mostly the result of dysfunctional institutions – such as Congress, the presidency, and the courts? Do we face policy problems that are more profound and dire than previous generations? Is there any cause for optimism? In this seminar we engage with these debates and try to answer some of these questions about the volatile contemporary American political environment. (PSCI 102 or PSCI 104) 3 hrs. sem. (American Politics)/
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PSCI 0418

All Sections in Fall 2024

Fall 2024

PSCI0418A-F24 Seminar (Johnson)