Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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Writing and Power

Writing and Power
Power: who has it, who doesn’t, and what does it have to do with your writing? This course both instructs students in how to access power in academic contexts and to critique power structures. We’ll learn how power connects to literacy, and how it's shaped through rhetorical contexts. Students will explore their own power as writers and thinkers while engaging in meaningful personal, reflective and argumentative writing. The professor will work with each student extensively on their writing process and development, and we'll create a writing community. This course bears elective credit but does not fulfill the college writing requirement. 3 hrs. lect/disc
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WRPR 0100

All Sections in Fall 2022

Fall 2022

WRPR0100A-F22 Lecture (Sanchez)