Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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Senior Independent Study I

Senior Independent Study I
The optional History Senior Thesis is written over two terms, with the final grade applying to both terms. Approval is required. Students submit thesis proposals in the spring before the year that they choose to write their thesis. Students generally begin their thesis in the fall and complete it during winter or spring. Approval is required to begin the thesis in winter or spring. All students must attend the Thesis Writer's Workshops in fall and winter semesters and work with a faculty advisor to complete a 55-70 page paper. Please see detailed guidelines under history requirements.
Course Reference Number (CRN):
Subject Code:
Course Number:
Section Identifier:


HIST 0700

All Sections in Spring 2022

Spring 2022

HIST0700B-S22 Senior Work (Barrow)
HIST0700D-S22 Senior Work (Davis)
HIST0700E-S22 Senior Work (Clinton)
HIST0700F-S22 Senior Work (Armanios)
HIST0700I-S22 Senior Work (Ralph)
HIST0700J-S22 Senior Work (Mao)
HIST0700K-S22 Senior Work (Morse)
HIST0700L-S22 Senior Work (Burnham)
HIST0700N-S22 Senior Work (Ward)
HIST0700P-S22 Senior Work (Monod)
HIST0700Q-S22 Senior Work (Povitz)
HIST0700R-S22 Senior Work (Bennette)
HIST0700S-S22 Senior Work (Morsman)
HIST0700T-S22 Senior Work (Tropp)
HIST0700U-S22 Senior Work (Wyatt)
HIST0700V-S22 Senior Work (Mitchell)