Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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Law and Justice in German Lit

Law and Justice in German Literature
This course focuses on the concepts of “Recht, Gerechtigkeit, Justiz” in German literature. A long literary tradition has seen authors inquire into the complex relationships between what is just and what is the law, and author-activists or judge-authors are frequent participants in public discourse about these issues. Discussion topics include the relationship between “Recht” and “Gerechtigkeit”, vigilante law, divine/ poetic justice, and the judicial system. Texts by F. Schiller, H. Kleist, G. Büchner, F. Kafka, A. Döblin, H. Böll, F. Dürrenmatt, Chr. Brückner, and F. von Schierach. (GRMN 0202, or instructor approval) 3 hrs. sem.
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GRMN 0464

All Sections in Fall 2021

Fall 2021

GRMN0464A-F21 Seminar (Matthias)