Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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Language and Social Justice

Language and Social Justice
In this seminar we will explore questions such as the following: What is the relationship between language and power? How does linguistic prejudice contribute to social inequality? Is language a human right, and if so, what are the implications? We will engage with scholarly, journalistic, and literary works, including writing by Julia Alvarez, James Baldwin, John Baugh, Lisa Delpit, Rosina Lippi-Green, Jamila Lyiscott, Richard Rodriguez, Debora Tannen, and others. Students will develop a range of reading, writing, and oral presentation skills, and will receive feedback on their work throughout the semester. 3 hrs. sem. This course is part of the Public Humanities Labs Initiative administered by the Axinn Center for the Humanities.*
Course Reference Number (CRN):
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FYSE 1405

All Sections in Fall 2021

Fall 2021

FYSE1405A-F21 Seminar (Shapiro)