Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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Morality & War

Morality & War
Are there any Just Wars? What would make a war a Just War? In the first part of this course we will investigate the historical origins of Just War Theory. In the second part, we will analyze contemporary moral perspectives on whether war can be morally justified and if so, what actions in war are morally justified or prohibited. In the final part, we will read articles concerning war and humanitarian intervention and on what actions, e.g. punishment, are morally permissible or demanded after war. Authors will include Augustine, Grotius, Nagel, Walzer, Luban. 3 hrs. lect.
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PHIL 0208

All Sections in Fall 2021

Fall 2021

PHIL0208A-F21 Lecture (Viner)