Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

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Theories of Change

Theories of Change
In this course we will examine various organized efforts aimed at transforming (and maybe saving) our world. In particular, we will compare different conceptions of how social change happens. In analyzing underlying beliefs, hypotheses, and assumptions—i.e., “theories of change”—we will grapple with fundamental questions and clashing perspectives regarding the nature of power, political economy, and social struggle, which continue to animate sharp disagreements among activists. As we mobilize to confront multiplying socio-environmental crises, getting our theories of change right has never seemed more urgent. (ENVS 0211) 3 hrs. sem.
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ENVS 0310

All Sections in Fall 2019

Fall 2019

ENVS0310A-F19 Seminar (Suarez)