Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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Issues of Global Health:Africa

Critical Issues of Global Health in Africa

Global health is one of the major changes that has occurred in the field of international development. Africa is experiencing this new framework of international health and development. With historical and social perspectives on international health programs, the course will examine concepts of global health within the African context. The course will focus on the actors, systems, and contexts of the global health experiments. The deconstruction of the notion of global health in the context of postcolonial and de-colonial theories will be discussed. The management of the current public health issues in Africa such as endemic and epidemic diseases will be the primary focus of the analysis.

Course objectives are to:
• Define and analyze global health within the context of sub-Saharan Africa
• Examine local perspectives on this new trend in the domain of health and international development through de-colonial and postcolonial theories
• Describe and analyze experience of global health in the management of current public health issues (endemics, epidemics and maternal health).

Required Texts:
- Arjun APPADURAI, Après le colonialisme. Les conséquences ... Les conséquences culturelles de la globalisation, Payot, coll. « Petite Bibliothèque Payot », 2015, ISBN : 9782228913447
- Paul Farmer, Sida en Haïti – la victime accusée. 1996 - Edition : Paris, Editions Karthala; Collection : Collection Médecines du monde
- Didier FASSIN, Quand les corps se souviennent. Expériences et politiques du sida en Afrique du Sud, Paris, La Découverte, 2006, ISBN : 9782707148070.
- Jean-Pierre DOZON et Didier FASSIN (dir.), Critique de la santé publique une approche anthropologique, Paris, Balland, 2001, ISBN 2715813767
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FREN 6635

All Sections in Summer 2019 Language Schools, LS 6 Week Session

Summer 2019 Language Schools, LS 6 Week Session

FREN6635A-L19 Lecture (Kouokam Magne)