Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

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Globalized France

The aim of the course is to give a broad historical view of the extension of France from the renaissance to the present time.

We will show that France cannot be reduced to its main territory, which is often called the Hexagon. France and its culture have spread throughout the world, due to the following four reasons:

1. The dark past of its colonial empire. France shared with England one of the most important colonial empires. France was present in America, Africa and South East Asia and in Oceania. In the post-colonial era, this was a basis for the organizing of the “francophonie”.
2. France’s cultural influence during the seventeenth and the eighteenth century, a time when Europe spoke French and was eager to imitate French art (painting, architecture, literature, etc.). France’s influence is still present today in Europe.
3. The French revolution and Napoleonic empire. France was then seen as a country of freedom and equality.
4. The role Paris played in the nineteenth and the twentieth century as a center for artists and musicians. This was called the school of Paris; Picasso, Stravinsky, Dali, Modigliani, etc. chose Paris as their capital. In the sixties, French theory influenced intellectuals all over the world.

Of course, we will show that culture is not a one-way ticket, but a give and take. France has declined as a world power but, due to its past, Africa, the Maghreb, Quebec and a large population coming from the former colonial empire play a deep role in rejuvenating French culture. We will show the benefit of this influence.

Required text:
- Patrick BOUCHERON, La France dans le monde, Le Seuil 2017, ISBN: 978-2021336290
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FREN 6633

All Sections in Summer 2018 Language Schools, LS 6 Week Session

Summer 2018 Language Schools, LS 6 Week Session

FREN6633A-L18 Lecture (Agostini)