Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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Intercultural Rhetoric Lab

Intercultural Rhetoric Lab
What are the tensions inherent in intercultural communication, and what happens when intercultural interactions involve persuasion and influence? In this course connecting Middlebury College and MIIS students, we will create an inquiry space to investigate, and develop the practice of, intercultural listening and speaking. Class sessions will introduce rhetorical and multimodal techniques designed to help students negotiate power differences, deliberate collaboratively, and observe and question empathetically. Students will work together to create digital artifacts and live events that demonstrate their developing capacities as ethical communicators and agents of change. 3 hrs. lect.
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WRPR 0207

All Sections in Spring 2018

Spring 2018

WRPR0207A-S18 Lecture (Yeaton, Avineri)