Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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Hispanic Philippines 1870-1950

The Hispanic Philippines, 1870-1950: Racial Nationalism, Colonial Impairment, and Cultures of Postcolonial Disability
In this course we will study the Hispanic cultures and literatures of the Philippines in relation to US, Spanish, and Japanese colonialism. The “Ilustración Filipina” or Philippine Enlightenment was a mestizo nationalist movement through which the Filipino nation is normatively said to have been consolidated. Drawing from postcolonial theory and disability studies, this course will ask students to analyze the formation of national identities through representations of disability, impairment, and deficiency.
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SPAN 0334

All Sections in Spring 2017

Spring 2017

SPAN0334A-S17 Lecture (Coráñez Bolton)