Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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The Mathematical Gardner

The Mathematical Gardner
In this course we will have an “orgy of right-brain tomfoolery” as inspired by the writings of Martin Gardner. For several decades Gardner's contributions to Scientific American, in the form of his column “Mathematical Games,” bridged the divide between professional mathematicians and the general public. He shared with us like no other, introducing or popularizing topics such as paper-folding, Hex, polyominoes, four-dimensional ticktacktoe, Conway’s Game of Life, the Soma cube --- the list goes on seemingly forever. We will examine these mathematical curiosities for pure pleasure. 3 hrs. sem.
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FYSE 1314

All Sections in Fall 2016

Fall 2016

FYSE1314A-F16 Seminar (Schmitt)