Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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Animation: Analog Drawings Set to Sound and Motion
Animating drawings is the foundation of moving images, linking static art with illusory movement. In this course we will start by examining the history of animation, from DaVinci to Duchamp to Pixar. We will then draw live models to learn to represent anatomy and physiognomy with control and nuance. Using this knowledge, we will set out to create individual “drawing-movies” by making handmade images and 3-D physical constructions. In developing their own graphic style students will explore conceptual issues of character, narrative, history, and setting. Although there are no prerequisites for this course, visual art experience and foundation drawing skills are recommended. 3 hrs. lect./lab
Course Reference Number (CRN):
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ART 0200

All Sections in Fall 2016

Fall 2016

ART0200A-F16 Lecture (Wallner)