Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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Existential Phil. & Lit.
Please register via PHIL 1014A

Existential Philosophy and Literature
In this course we will examine how existential thinkers and writers confront core dilemmas of existence such as mortality, anxiety, and the paradox of life. Existential thinkers attempt to make sense of a disordered world, but more importantly, to live meaningful lives within a state of ambiguity. Themes such as the comic, the absurd, freedom, choice, and indirect communication will fuel our discussion of authenticity in response to paradox. Existentialism as a way of life will be central to our work, as will the relationship between philosophy and literature. Authors will include Kierkegaard, Kafka, Camus, Sartre, de Beauvoir, and Dostoevsky. This course counts as elective credit towards the Philosophy major and the Comparative Literature major.
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CMLT 1014

All Sections in Winter 2014

Winter 2014

CMLT1014A-W14 Lecture (Rogerson)