Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

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Shi'a Islam

Shi’a Islam
In this course we will study the historical development of Shi’a Islam as well as its varieties across the Muslim world, from the Indian subcontinent to Lebanon. Shi’ism is the most important counter-narrative to Sunnism, the main narrative of the Sacred history of Islam. Shi’ism is often portrayed as a form of “revolutionary Islam” due to the many revolts with which it has been associated, not least among them the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran. Alternatively, it has also been portrayed as a form of “esoteric Islam” due to the strong mystical/esoteric elements that run deep through some renderings of Shi’ism. We will then read primary sources and scholarly arguments to see whether either of these two portrayals can justly represent Shi’ism. (Previous knowledge of Islam is desirable, but not required). 3 hrs. lect./disc.
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RELI 0257

All Sections in Spring 2013

Spring 2013

RELI0257A-S13 Lecture (Anzali)