Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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Geomorphic Processes
Please register via GEOL 0251Z

Geomorphic Process
An investigation of processes that shape the Earth's surface, including weathering, mass movements, and the effects of water, wind, and ice. Students examine how such processes govern the evolution of landforms in differing climatic, tectonic, and lithologic settings. Field and laboratory study focuses on the role of active surficial processes, as well as glaciation and other past events, in development of the landscape of west-central Vermont. Implications for human activities and maintenance of natural systems are also discussed. (GEOL 0170, or GEOL 0112, or GEOL 0161, or by waiver) 3 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab
Course Reference Number (CRN):
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Course Number:
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GEOG 0251

All Sections in Fall 2012

Fall 2012

GEOG0251A-F12 Lecture (Munroe)
GEOG0251Z-F12 Lab (Munroe)