Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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The Prophet Muhammad

The Prophet Muhammad
In this course, we will study Muslim and non-Muslim conceptions of the Prophet Muhammad. We will investigate the historical Prophet with emphasis not only on how the Prophet has been imagined, portrayed, and venerated by Muslims, but also on how he is conceived in the medieval through contemporary Jewish, Christian, and Orientalist imaginations. The aim is to study literature such as sira (biographies of the Prophet), rituals such as mawlid al-nabi (Prophet's birthday), theological approaches to the life of the Prophet to cover Muslim conceptions, and texts spanning the medieval through the contemporary era for better understanding of non-Muslim perceptions. 3 hrs. lect./disc.
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RELI 0253

All Sections in Spring 2012

Spring 2012

RELI0253A-S12 Lecture (Madaninejad)