Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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Seminar in Classical Lit
The Father of Multiculturalism

Senior Seminar in Classical Literature: The Father of “Multiculturalism”
Herodotus (485-424 BC), “the Father of History,” is also regarded as the first sociologist and ethnographer. The plan and argument of his work, including its many fantastic stories, disclose a philosophic intention overlooked by those who call him the “Father of Lies.” Herodotus’ subject is the “Greek miracle”: how the tiny and fractious cities of Greece took concerted action against the overwhelming might of the Persian kings who invaded Greece in 490 and 479 BC. This unlikely triumph of political freedom and limited government over despotic empire is told against the background of the Afro-Asiatic origins of Greek civilization, which Herodotus uncovers in wide-ranging investigations of the customs and religions of Greece, Lydia, Media, Persia, Egypt, Libya, and Scythia. In this course we will pursue a close reading of Herodotus in translation; the seminar is open to all students with some previous background in Greek and/or Roman literature.
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CLAS 0420

All Sections in Spring 2012

Spring 2012

CLAS0420A-S12 Seminar (Witkin)