Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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Beginning Russian

Beginning Russian
This course is an approach to the language using four skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing). It provides a firm control of the sound system and the structure of Russian. Although much emphasis is put on the spoken colloquial language, reading, writing, and a conscious understanding of the fundamentals of grammar prepare a strong foundation for work in advanced courses or for reading in specialized fields. 3 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. drill.
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RUSS 0101

All Sections in Fall 2011

Fall 2011

RUSS0101A-F11 Lecture (Beyer)
RUSS0101Y-F11 Drill 1 (Moss, Beyer)
RUSS0101Z-F11 Drill 1 (Moss, Beyer)