Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

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Film & Media Senior Seminar:
Modernism and Identity

Senior Seminar: Modernism and Identity
One of the contributions of Modernism, especially Surrealism, was an added questioning of the concept of the unified self. Using relevant theories of Modernism and certain psychoanalytical theories, this senior seminar will examine films by Antonioni, Tarkovsky, Kurosawa, Buñuel, Rossellini, Scorsese, David Lynch, Sirk, Kluge, Maya Deren and others that probe shifts, conflicts, doublings, and exchanges of identity. (Open to senior FMMC majors and minors or by instructor approval.) 3 hrs. sem./3 hrs. screen.
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FMMC 0431

All Sections in Fall 2011

Fall 2011

FMMC0431A-F11 Seminar (Perry)