Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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Cultural Geography
Cultural Geography-CW

Cultural Geography
What do landscapes mean? How are places created and invested with significance? Why do people struggle to control public and private space? This course examines these and similar questions. Its main goals are to open students' eyes to the wealth of meanings embodied in the built environment and our metaphorical understandings of landscape, place, space, and geographical identity, and to teach skills for interpreting and representing those meanings. Lectures, course readings, and small-group projects will draw on social theory and empirical approaches, with a regional emphasis on North America. 3 hrs. lect.
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GEOG 0218

All Sections in Spring 2011

Spring 2011

GEOG0218A-S11 Lecture (Knowles)
GEOG0218B-S11 Lecture (Knowles)
GEOG0218Z-S11 Discussion (Knowles)