Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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Portraiture in Sculpture

Figuring the Face and Facing the Figure: Portraiture In Sculpture, Polychrome, and Adornment
In this class we will make object-images of the human figure in contemporary style. Our approach will include clay, metal, plaster, glass, and copper-enameling. Strategies of poly-chroming (coloring) three-dimensional forms, concepts of decoration, jewelry, and clothing will be explored. Digital photography will be used throughout to record, analyze, and invent. This class will be based on close individual instruction within a collaborative workshop atmosphere. (ART 0159 and another introductory level studio practice course from the following list: ART 0160, ART 0161, ART 0162, ART 0163, ART 0164, ART 0165, ART 0180, THEA 0101, THEA 0111 ,THEA 0113, THEA 0119, THEA 0129, THEA 0205, FMMC 0105 , FMMC 0335 , FMMC 0243, FMMC 0346, HARC 0130) 6 hrs lect/lab
Course Reference Number (CRN):
Subject Code:
Course Number:
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ART 0370

All Sections in Spring 2011

Spring 2011

ART0370A-S11 Lecture (Butler)