Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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Seminar in Plant Ecology

Seminar in Plant Ecology
In this course, we will explore the forces that have shaped Vermont’s forest ecosystems, with particular attention to the influence of humans—past, present, and future. We will learn techniques for reconstructing trajectories of past ecological change from tree-ring data, and will use those data as the basis for examining how forests, and the ecosystem services they provide, may change in coming decades. The course will be discussion-based and will involve an intensive collaborative field project. (BIOL 0140 and one additional 0200 or 0300-level biology course) 3 hrs sem., 3 hrs lab
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BIOL 0490

All Sections in Spring 2011

Spring 2011

BIOL0490A-S11 Seminar (Lloyd)
BIOL0490Z-S11 Lab (Lloyd)