Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

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Poetry and Fernando Pessoa

Principles of Poetry and the Works of Fernando Pessoa
In the first part of this course we will study general aspects of poetry. Some questions that will guide us are: "What is poetry?", "What has been its role in society since ancient times?", "How does one read a poem?", "How does one establish the value of a poem?". In considering these questions, we will analyze poetic pieces from Lusophone poets such as Camões, Drummond, and José Craveirinha. In the second part we will focus on the Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935), his works, and his "case”-which refers to the literary phenomenon called heteronym, which, roughly speaking, means the fragmentation of the "author" into other "authors". (PGSE 0215 or equivalent) 3 hrs lect./disc.
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PGSE 0358

All Sections in Fall 2010

Fall 2010

PGSE0358A-F10 Lecture (Higa)