Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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Body & Earth

Body and Earth
This course has been designed for students with an interest in the dialogue between the science of body and the science of place. Its goals are to enhance movement efficiency through experiential anatomy and to heighten participants' sensitivity to natural processes and forms in the Vermont bioregion. Weekly movement sessions, essays by nature writers, and writing assignments about place encourage synthesis of personal experience with factual information. Beyond the exams and formal writing assignments, members of the class will present a final research project and maintain an exploratory journal. 3 hrs. lect. 1 hr. lab.
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DANC 0277

All Sections in Fall 2010

Fall 2010

DANC0277A-F10 Lecture (Olsen)
DANC0277Z-F10 Lab (Olsen)