Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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Approaches to Psychotherapy

Approaches to Psychotherapy
This course presents the central theories and practices of clinical and counseling psychology with emphasis on methods of therapeutic intervention. Students will explore the theoretical assumptions of common approaches (e.g., psychoanalytic, humanistic, cognitive, behavioral, eclectic, and other systems), watch and participate in example interventions, and evaluate each approach on both theoretical and empirical grounds. Basic assumptions of the therapeutic relationship, how such relationships are established, and the role of these relationships in modern society, will also receive attention. Students will be expected to take an active role in class activities, demonstrations, and presentations. (Two psychology courses; not open to first-year students; open to psychology majors only) 3 hrs. lect.
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PSYC 0315

All Sections in Fall 2010

Fall 2010

PSYC0315A-F10 Lecture (Jordan)