Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Searchable Course Catalog

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Silkscreen Printmaking

Silkscreen Printmaking
In this course students will explore the silkscreen medium with guided studio instruction. This will include paper stencil method, film stencil method, photographic stencil method, and multicolor printing. The students will learn to use basic computer-aided imagery. Students will explore both the roll of silkscreen printing in contemporary art. Depending on resources, students may have the opportunity to be part of an intensive collaborative print project to produce an edition of prints with a professional artist. (ART 0157, ART 0158, ART 0159 or by approval) 6 hrs. lect.
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ART 0318

All Sections in Fall 2012

Fall 2012

ART0318A-F12 Lecture (Klein)