

Indep. Museum Studies

Supervised Independent Work in Museum Studies
This course is a complement to the Museum Assistants Program consisting of a one-time project on a museum topic undertaken in conjunction with continuing participation in MAP. Students will be advised by the Curator of Education of the Art Museum and by a member of the Department of the History of Art and Architecture, and will produce a paper or curate a public presentation. (Approval required; HARC 0100 or 0102, an upper level course in the area of the proposed project, one year of previous participation in MAP, a proposal approved during the preceding term. Priority will be given to HARC majors.)
Course Reference Number (CRN):
Subject Code:
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HARC 0540

All Sections in Fall 2012

Fall 2012

HARC0540A-F12 Independent Study
HARC0540B-F12 Independent Study (Unknown)
HARC0540C-F12 Independent Study (Unknown)