

Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina"

The course is designed as a close reading of the most acclaimed of Tolstoy’s works – his novel Anna Karenina. The novel was written and published in separate chapters during 1875 - 1877, and readers remained in suspense, as they did not know what would happen next with heroes. Students will be repeating the experience of Tolstoy’s first readers during their six weeks of study. Tolstoy’s work is an encyclopedia of the Russian culture of the second half of the 19th century. It makes our course completely interdisciplinary: we will discuss social, historical, philosophical, religious, cultural or legal issues, relevant for Lev Tolstoy as well as for his heroes. Such topics as family, marriage, wedding, women’s emancipation, and children’s education will be the themes of our class discussion. Students must be prepared to read about 30 pages for each class session, to actively participate in class discussion, and to write weekly short papers. Students will compose their final paper and present it during the mini-conference by the end of the course.
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RUSS 6763

All Sections in Summer 2010, LS 6 Week Session

Summer 2010, LS 6 Week Session

RUSS6763A-L10 Lecture (Proskurina)