

Transnational Art and Activism

Transnational Art and Activism in Latin America
In this course we will consider how art has the potential to support social movements and political activism, focusing on national and international activism in the Americas in the late 20th and 21st Centuries. From movements like the Zapatista Army of National Liberation to NiUnaMenos, and beyond, the arts have helped to amplify, disseminate, and mediate the ideologies and efforts of these diverse groups. We will broach topics of gender, sexuality, indigeneity, environmental activism, and decolonization, drawing parallels between the strategies used throughout the Hemispheric Americas. The similarities, divergences, and encounters between these cases will allow a deeper reflection on the meaning of activism, solidarity, media, art, and protest. Materials will include visual culture, performance, and music, among other media.
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SPAN 0317

All Sections in Spring 2025

Spring 2025