

Intl Marine Science & Policy

Marine policy based on sound marine science is crucial to the sustainable management of living marine resources, environmental quality, and ecosystem values. This course provides a foundation in understanding the relationship between marine science, marine policy, and environmental management. After an introduction to the general principles of marine science and marine policy, we will examine the science-policy nexus in three management arenas:

a) the California coast with emphasis on Monterey Bay;

b) the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone; and

c) multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs), including the 1972 London Convention and its 1996 Protocol. We will conclude with a discussion of future actions that may be developed for significant marine environmental challenges.

Students will prepare for class lectures, discussions and exercises by completing reading assignments from Internet websites, journal articles, or textbooks. Classes will be enhanced through guest lectures and optional field trips. Each student will work independently to prepare a briefing paper on a marine science topic and a research paper on an international marine policy challenge.

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IEPG 8635

All Sections in Fall 2018 - MIIS

Fall 2018 - MIIS

IEPG8635A-F18 Seminar (Cotter)