

Case Competition Prep Course

This course prepares students for MBA Case Competition participation. We emphasize “raw cases” as our target competitions: The Economist, Corporate Knights, Hult Prize and Aspen have all adopted this format. In addition to introducing you to the “raw case” approach, you will acquire skills that can give teams a competitive edge in Case competition. Specifically, we provide (in collaboration with participants) possible information sources that you may consult in the course of your analyses, an overview of business methods. Further the differentiating characteristics in elite case competitions may rest not only on your analyses, but also on the crispness of your presentation – both written and oral. Thus the pre-case phase will allow you to improve these skills as well.
Course Reference Number (CRN):
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MBAG 8612

All Sections in Fall 2014 - MIIS

Fall 2014 - MIIS

MBAG8612A-F14 Lecture (Dow, Shi)