

Intro Francophone World

Introduction au(x) monde(s) francophone(s) / Introduction to Francophone
(1 unit)

In this course students will discover the peoples and cultures of various Francophone regions, such as Quebec, Morocco, French Guyana, Lebanon or the Antilles, through a variety of documents that will demonstrate the range and diversity of Francophone cultures: short stories, plays, songs, recipes, etc. Authors to be considered include Belamri, Cendrars, Dépestre, Berani, Nage, Savitzkaya, simon, Nadaud, Viage, Kourouma. Students will also continue to perfect their oral and written competence in French, through individual and group presentations.

Texts Kourouma, Yacouba, chasseur africain, Paris, Gallimard, 1998; Kundera, Jacques et son maître. Hommage à Denis Diderot en trois actes, Paris, gallimard, 1988.

Recommended Texts Ben Jelloun, L'Enfant de sable, Paris, Seuil, 1995; Glissant, Pays rê
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FREN 3308

All Sections in Summer 2005, LS 7 Week Session

Summer 2005, LS 7 Week Session

FREN3308A-L05 Lecture (Lanni)
FREN3308B-L05 Lecture (Lanni)
FREN3308C-L05 Lecture (Lanni)