
TI - All General

Sections in Fall 2023 - MIIS, MIIS First Half of Term

Fall 2023 - MIIS

TIAG8501A-F23 Lecture (Jacobs)
TIAG8501B-F23 Lecture (Jacobs)
TIAG8501C-F23 Lecture (Jacobs)
TIAG8501D-F23 Lecture (Jacobs)

Fall 2023 - MIIS, MIIS Workshop

TIAG8505A-F23 Lecture (Burian)
TIAG8505B-F23 Lecture (Burian)
TIAG8515A-F23 Lecture (Andreu, Gillen)
TIAG8515B-F23 Lecture (Andreu, Gillen)
TIAG8515C-F23 Lecture (Andreu, Gillen)

Fall 2023 - MIIS, MIIS First Half of Term

TIAG8520A-F23 Lecture (Johnson)

Fall 2023 - MIIS

TIAG8604A-F23 Lecture (Buzadzhi, Cooper)
TIAG8604B-F23 Lecture (Buzadzhi, Cooper)
TIAG8605A-F23 Lecture (Hofmann-Miller)
TIAG8650A-F23 Internship (Thomas)
TIAG8698A-F23 Directed Study
TIAG8698H-F23 Directed Study (Andreu)
TIAG8698I-F23 Directed Study (Shen)
TIAG8698K-F23 Directed Study (Johnson)
TIAG8698O-F23 Directed Study (Johnson)
TIAG8698Q-F23 Directed Study (Johnson)