All Catalogs Bread Loaf School of English Search My Schedule Planner Log In Search Catalogs » Bread Loaf School of English Spanish Sections in Spring 2021, School Abroad Italy (Florence) show sections in all terms Spring 2021 SPAN0101A-S21 Lecture (Fil) SPAN0104A-S21 Lecture (Manrique-Gomez) SPAN0104B-S21 Lecture (Manrique-Gomez) SPAN0201A-S21 Lecture (Lesta Garcia) SPAN0201B-S21 Lecture (Gonzalez Zenteno) SPAN0201X-S21 Drill 1 (Gil Martin) SPAN0201Y-S21 Drill 1 (Gil Martin) SPAN0201Z-S21 Drill 1 (Gil Martin) SPAN0220A-S21 Lecture (Rohena-Madrazo) SPAN0220B-S21 Lecture (Poppe) SPAN0220C-S21 Lecture (Feldman) SPAN0220D-S21 Lecture (Albarran) SPAN0250A-S21 Lecture (Baird) SPAN0300A-S21 Lecture (Feldman) SPAN0305A-S21 Lecture (Albarran) SPAN0306A-S21 Lecture (Lesta Garcia) SPAN0322A-S21 Lecture (Baird) SPAN0323A-S21 Lecture (Castaneda) SPAN0329A-S21 Lecture (Garcia) SPAN0336A-S21 Lecture (Fernandez) SPAN0338A-S21 Lecture (Rohena-Madrazo) SPAN0338B-S21 Lecture (Gonzalez Zenteno) SPAN0357A-S21 Lecture (Castaneda) SPAN0361A-S21 Lecture (Garcia) SPAN0370A-S21 Lecture (Poppe) SPAN0381A-S21 Lecture (Saldarriaga) SPAN0499A-S21 Seminar (Saldarriaga) SPAN0500A-S21 Independent Study SPAN0500C-S21 Independent Study (Feldman) SPAN0500D-S21 Independent Study (Fernandez) SPAN0500E-S21 Independent Study (Lesta Garcia) SPAN0500F-S21 Independent Study (Garcia) SPAN0500G-S21 Independent Study (Gonzalez Zenteno) SPAN0500H-S21 Independent Study (Castaneda) SPAN0500K-S21 Independent Study (Saldarriaga) SPAN0500L-S21 Independent Study (Rohena-Madrazo) SPAN0500M-S21 Independent Study (Manrique-Gomez) SPAN0500N-S21 Independent Study (Baird) SPAN0500P-S21 Independent Study (Poppe) SPAN0705A-S21 Independent Study SPAN0705C-S21 Independent Study (Feldman) SPAN0705D-S21 Independent Study (Fernandez) SPAN0705E-S21 Independent Study (Lesta Garcia) SPAN0705F-S21 Independent Study (Garcia) SPAN0705G-S21 Independent Study (Gonzalez Zenteno) SPAN0705H-S21 Independent Study (Castaneda) SPAN0705K-S21 Independent Study (Saldarriaga) SPAN0705L-S21 Independent Study (Rohena-Madrazo) SPAN0705M-S21 Senior Work (Manrique-Gomez) SPAN0705N-S21 Senior Work (Baird) SPAN0705P-S21 Senior Work (Poppe) SPAN2330A-S21 Lecture (Bueno Sarduy) Spring 2021, SA UGs Full Term SPAN2401A-S21 Lecture (Murninkas Minster, Study Abroad) SPAN2401AA-S21 Lecture (Evangelista de Gonzalez, Study Abroad) Spring 2021, School Abroad Spain (Madrid) SPAN5502A-S21 Lecture (Study Abroad, Figueroa Rojas) SPAN5527A-S21 Lecture (Study Abroad, Fernandez Isla) SPAN5529A-S21 Lecture (Study Abroad, Vela Bueno) SPAN5561A-S21 Lecture (Study Abroad, Layna Ranz) SPAN5691A-S21 Lecture (Study Abroad, Fernandez Isla) SPAN5766A-S21 Lecture (Study Abroad, Figueroa Rojas)