All Catalogs Bread Loaf School of English Search My Schedule Planner Log In Search Catalogs » Bread Loaf School of English Portuguese Sections in Summer 2005, Portuguese 7 week show sections in all terms Summer 2005, Portuguese 7 week PGSE3101A-L05 Lecture (Cruz) PGSE3102A-L05 Lecture (Pires, Bacelar da Silva, Santos, Santos) PGSE3103A-L05 Lecture (Pires, Bacelar da Silva, Santos, Santos) Summer 2005 PGSE3198A-L05 Lecture (Franco) PGSE3198B-L05 Lecture (Bacelar da Silva) PGSE3199A-L05 Lecture (Pires, Bacelar da Silva, Santos, Santos) PGSE3199B-L05 Lecture (Pires, Bacelar da Silva, Santos, Santos) Summer 2005, Portuguese 7 week PGSE3200A-L05 Lecture (Pires, Bacelar da Silva, Santos, Santos) PGSE3200B-L05 Lecture (Pires, Bacelar da Silva, Santos, Santos) PGSE3201A-L05 Lecture (Santos) PGSE3201B-L05 Lecture PGSE3202A-L05 Lecture (Pires, Bacelar da Silva, Santos, Santos) PGSE3202B-L05 Lecture PGSE3203A-L05 Lecture (Bacelar da Silva, Pires, Santos, Santos) PGSE3203B-L05 Lecture PGSE3301A-L05 Lecture (Santos) PGSE3302A-L05 Lecture (Pires, Bacelar da Silva, Santos, Santos) PGSE3303A-L05 Lecture (Pires, Bacelar da Silva, Santos, Santos) PGSE3401A-L05 Lecture (Pires) PGSE3402A-L05 Lecture (Pires, Bacelar da Silva, Santos, Santos) PGSE3403A-L05 Lecture (Pires, Bacelar da Silva, Santos, Santos) PGSE3412A-L05 Lecture (Cruz, Tesser)