

Fieldwork in Geography

Fieldwork in Geography: Constructing Place-based Data (formerly GEOG 0339)
From the presence of wildlife to the preferences of community members, we often want to understand more than we can see using satellite imagery, census tables, and existing data products alone. In this course, we will practice constructing primary data. Exploring a range of approaches from interviews to transects, we will pay attention to sources of bias, our own positionality, and the kinds of decisions one confronts when generating data. This course will provide foundational skills for students interested in conducting their own research and useful insight for interpreting data collected by others. Be prepared to spend several labs outdoors and off-campus in ‘the field’. Prerequisites: GEOG 281 or another GEOG class numbered 250-299. 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab
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GEOG 0381

All Sections in Fall 2025